Voting age must be 16 in India

  0 (Goal: 1,000)

Petitioning: Election commision

Petitioner: Ashutosh started on April 23, 2010

In india voting age must be 16.


Day by day voting ration in india has been decreasing.

Public money is being wasted in election due to less interest by the public.


As maturity level of youngsters has improved, And at the age of 16 in schools student chooses the subject of his choice for future of his career in various fields, such as Mathematics, Biology, commerce, Art etc.
As per the RTO rulling at the age of 16 one can get the license of driving 50 cc motorbyke. At the age of 16 many records and achievements have been made.
Many more reasons are there for accepting the voting at 16 in India.

After declaring the voting at age 16 by Indian Government the ratio and participation of public in every election will be increased and the public money will be used properly by the government. And ofcourse it will be the welfare for the democracy of India