Right to Security: Offensive against Naxals

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Petitioning: Government of India and the Naxal INFECTED states

Petitioner: Ankit Narang started on April 6, 2010

This petition demands justice for the people and families who have fallen prey to the parasite that is nurtured by Indian politics- NAXALISM.

1. Violence against innocent beings of any kind should be intolerable and it should not matter whether the person committing the deed is a naxalite, a terrorist or an ordinary criminal.

2. Social backwardness is no excuse for jeopardizing lives of innocent human beings.

3. Every citizen of India should have a right to security and the Govt. should ensure that it is delivered.

4. Law is equal for all. If an ordinary criminal gets life-sentence or imprisonment for murder, organized criminal outfits like Naxalites should be punished even more harshly.