No More Children in Begging

  3 (Goal: 100,000)

Petitioning: Narendra Modi, Government of India

Petitioner: Kunal Sharma started on August 25, 2014

No More Children in Begging

Dear Modi ji,

I am pained to see children as young as 1 year old begging in the streets in Indian cities. As a father of a 2 year old, I can't even imagine what it would be like for my child to be alone in the sweltering heat, noise and pollution. This is unfair to everyone in the society.

It is unfair to talk of economic prosperity when we don't have our basics right. I think it is impossible for anyone who has a righteous mindset to ignore a helpless child under a traffic light and continue to pursue his/her activities pertaining to a livlihood.

I am requesting for a solution to this - I am even proposing one: Please make it a crime to have children beg in the streets and the local civic authorities should be the ones responsible to ensure that this doesn't happen. Each sighting of a helpless child should prompt immediate action against the official incharge.


Kunal and millions of Indians who know that children as beggars is WRONG.