Promote Homeschooling

  0 (Goal: 1,000)

Petitioning: Society

Petitioner: Petition Voice started on March 10, 2009

Government is engaged in reforming the schooling system eversince the system has been in place. Still the system is far from perfect. I argue that schooling done at home, without attending full time school is better than daily school. Families educating their children gives more chances to children to learn on their own and more importantly explore themselves the joys of learning rather than sit them through a series of exams and mugging for them.

This can be done using curriculum available for private purchase or developing their own curriculum. Research work by, carried out by the scientists, Montgomery, Shyers and Taylor, between 1986 to 1992, focused on qualities of social adjustment and self-esteem of homeschooled students found that that home-educated students are likely to be socially and psychologically healthy.

Such children display more maturity and better leadership skills than their counterparts in school. So it is not so bad an option afterall, especially given the fact that curriculum and teaching system in most of the public schools is too conventional to foster creativity and lateral thinking in children. This petition goes here to rally the support for homeschooling.

All those who believe it is a boon, support this petition.