A Tribute to Aman Kachroo - Anti Ragging Movement

  9 (Goal: 1,000)

Petitioning: UGC, Universities, Education Minister, Governments

Petitioner: India Petition started on March 22, 2009

A Tribute to Aman Kachroo - Anti Ragging Movement

The day Aman Kachroo died due to brutal ragging was the most shameful for Indian education history. Some one came to learn and study and some seniors just killed him - sometimes it seems a film story but its true and he clearly mentioned his cause and story in his note which he wrote few days ago before he died due to several hemorrhage (not a cardiac arrest).

His notes and letters shows a clear example of how mush careless is our education system, authorities and government which at one hand gives slogan of "Sab Padhe, Sab Badhen" and it seems one everyone agree with it, they just ignore things and do their basic duties of stone age educational system.

In-spite of clear orders from Supreme Court about ragging and such activities it seems the controlling authorities taking it as a joke by some judges. And now the so called system is trying to protect them selves by producing forge reports and modified language in other reports, its also an example of how clever the authorities in the game of words by which they protect them selves very easily.

Now SC is taking up the case but the authorities and state government laziness will drag this case till everyone forgets Aman and we will have one more such Aman lynched.

Wake-up guys, we are the youth can only do something - no expectation from authorities or government...!