Petition for re-evaluation of SNAP 2014

  808 (Goal: 1,000)

Petitioning: Target is to convince SNAP authorities to re-evaluate SNAP -2014

Petitioner: ApurvSri started on January 10, 2015

Petition for re-evaluation of SNAP 2014

This petition is meant to voice the grievances of the candidates of SNAP-2014. Many of us feel that there has been an error in evaluation, and we came to this conclusion after discussing the answers at length and finding similar patterns in the difference of marks between what we got and what we were expecting.

I think VA section has not been evaluated correctly. I consistently scored 26-27 in mocks(snapshot) and managed only 17 in snap. I have discovered (with the help of website pagalguy)that there are many like me. I hope to convince SNAP authorities to re-evaluate the VA section.Many others have similar grievances in the LR and QA section as well. I do realise that it requires huge effort from the organisers, but it is only fair that the grievances of so many are addressed in the most professional manner.