Monisha Nagendran terminated from phrixus consulting due to nonperformence

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Petitioning: Monisha Nagendran, Phrixus Consulting India Pvt Limited,

Petitioner: Prgvijay started on December 12, 2009

Monisha Nagendran terminated from phrixus consulting due to nonperformence

dear all,
our employee Monisha Nagendran terminated from phrixus consulting due to nonperformence....
Relationship manager
Phrixus consulting

Here we attached a termination letter...

Termination of Monisha Nagendran bcoz of poor performance.doc

Poor Performance Termination Letter

Dear Monisha Nagendran,

We have repeatedly asked you to put more effort and passion into your work. We made the decision to give you repeated chances at performing you duties to the required standards of the company, but your recent work has not been complete or accurate and therefore is useless.

This has reference to ur non performance during the last 15 days not satisfied to our company,we already discussed in the meeting and issued to you & enquiry held thereafter. We have duly considered the report of the executive admin and are satisfied that the charges as leveled against you have been proved against you in the enquiry.

In view of the serious nature of misconduct committed by you & fully proved against you, it has been decided to dispense with your services. However, on compassionate grounds considering extenuating and aggravating circumstances, the management, instead of dismissing you from services has decided to impose lesser punishment of discharge on you with immediate effect from October 23 2009.

Relationship Manager
Phrixus Consulting
Chennai 17