tax reforms 2011
Petitioning: Finance Misiter, GoI
Petitioner: Pravib74 started on February 7, 2011
Dear Mr. Finance Minister Ji
The common tax payer of India expects and demands following tax reforms in this year's budget.
1. Transport allowance deduction should be increased from Rs.800.00/month to minimum Rs.2500.00/month.
2. Deduction for medical expenses should be increased from existing Rs.15000.00 to minimum of Rs.45000.00.
3. Deduction towards education expenses should be increased from existing Rs.100.00/month to Rs.10000/month.
4. Salaried people are double taxed once through TDS and next through all purchases we make. Hence request you to introduce deduction for amount spent on electricity/water/gas/telephone expenses and all expenditure made using debit/credit cards.
5. All the above deductions to be revisited and revised once in 5 years.
If you bring above changes you will be remembered for ever by Indian salaried class.
Thanking You
The Common Man of India
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