Stop this Bridge to Nowhere
Petitioning: Case Officer Re: Planning application reference 100135 ('Third Don Crossing)
Petitioner: The Bridge to Nowhere started on May 24, 2010
Say no to the Proposed Third don Crossing
Dear Lucy Green, Case Officer
Re: Planning application reference 100135 ('Third Don Crossing')
I OBJECT to the above planning application for a Third Don Crossing between Tillydrone and Danestone for the following reasons:
1. The proposal is contrary to the adopted Aberdeen city local plan ‘Green Spaces; New Places’;
2. The proposal will lead to unacceptable increases in traffic volumes in Tillydrone and surrounding areas causing loss of amenity and endangering local residents;
3. The proposal will lead to severe increases in levels on NO2 in the area endangering the health of local residents;
4. The proposal will irreversibly damage the River Don and the extensive wildlife that live along it.