Petitioning: School-going children, parents and school authorities all over India
Petitioner: Swathi Shenoy started on June 24, 2011
Saving fuel effectively, can be achieved at an age as young as school children. Even school-going children can significantly help us conserve our fossil fuels and energy resources.
Here is how you may contribute to the environment:
• It would be most judicious of students to travel to school by the school transport offered by the school itself. Public transport is also a good option, but may not be feasible for young students. Older students can take the initiative and use public transport than other modes.
• If you go to a school that does not provide transport facilities, I would request you to persuade the school to introduce such a facility. With a considerable number of students demanding to do so, I’m sure the school authorities would make an effort to provide you with transport options. Otherwise, you could also use plenty of options such as private-vans and auto-rickshaws that can take many kids at a time.
• If you’re a school-going student travelling to school in an individual vehicle, the first two options would be most recommended. If they do not meet your requirements then, you can form a car-pool with other kids using the same mode of transport.
If you are able to accommodate about 5 kids in the pool then, each vehicle will have to be used only once a week (Assuming most schools work for 5 days of the week). Talk to your parents and other school-mates about it.
• To parents of school-going children, I would request to help your ward work out one of the above options and aid in the conservation of our environment. Working parents may implement such options at their work-places as well.
• School authorities are requested to provide transport options to children upto their utmost capability. Your efforts can help the environment by-large. On an average, most schools have around 500 students to cater to. If each of these students belonging to your school are instilled with the sense of conservation of fuel, then it can make a huge difference to the environment. Even the school staff may be persuaded to use the school transport as far as possible.
These are very basic steps that any individual, even school-going children can implement in their day-to-day life, and therefore I appeal to each one of you to adopt these measures. If each one makes a significant effort however small it may be, it would have a tremendous impact on the fuel-consumption.
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