Indian Elections: Change in Methodology: Selection by Elimination
Petitioning: Government of India: Election Commissions Office
Petitioner: Amit A Rele started on November 9, 2009
- The only thing constant is change and change is what we need to bring about expecially in the way our government functions and the people whom we trust as our representatives.
- A collaboartiave govt has been more of a norm in the country, states and right down to the the way the muncipality functions
- Our angst usually is towatds many candidates who are selected by a certain party and also sometimes towards independets who contest elections and hence brading all of them useless, many a times people dont go and vote becuase the process is selection based
- Change the process to that of elimination and the voters have the ability to atleast tell the government the candidates they dont want. Eventually resulting in a candidate least wanted and then hold the selection process to select the ultimate candidate.
- Regionalism and Factionalism as resulted in many voters wanting to vote someone whom they want resulting in a divide in the vote and finally electing the person whom all unwanted to hold that position by virtue of the split
- We need people to support this casuse and make a small change in the election process somewhere to find out whether this works otherwise we will always end up having a govt we hated to see.