Give us uninterrupted power supply
Petitioning: Tamilnadu Electricity Board
Petitioner: Chennai Politico started on July 18, 2009
Residents of East Park Road
Shenoy Nagar, Chennai - 600030
The Honourable Electricity Minister
Govt of Tamilnadu
Respected Sir,
I am writing this petition on behalf of the residents of East Park Road, Shenoy Nagar, Chennai 600030, TamilNadu. This petition is to highlight the chronic power cuts in my block. For the past 4 months multiple power cuts have been the order of the day in my block. The power cuts occur throughout the day including at nights. What makes it even worse is that this is happening during the peak of summer in Chennai (April - July). What is surprising about this issue is that these power cuts are not due to shortages but due to faulty equipment and poor maintenance. This problem affects our whole society from working moms and dads to school and college going kids, stay at home wives and also the senior citizens. The EB Maintenance workers are the ones who face the wrath of the residents added to the fact that they have to wake up and come to our neighbourhood at unearthly hours and face the ire of the irritated residents at 1 AM or 2 AM in the morning.
When ever the power supply is cut the EB aintenance workers come and give is a temporary fix but never offer us a permanent solution. I don't quite know what the permanent solution is. From discussions we have had with the EB Maintenance workers the solution to our problems are high quality fuse wires and periodic maintenance visits. Right now a gentleman from the neighbourhood has volunteered to purchase some materials needed but that is not the right way to do things. Even that fix will last us only for 2 weeks according to the EB Maintenance workers. I don't think the same gentleman should or will be willing to do this on a regular basis. We shouldn't have to purchase equipment on top of paying a monthly electricity bill.
On behalf of the residents of East Park Road and the EB Maintenance workers who attend to us I humbly request that the power that be look into this problem and do something to relieve all of us of this agony. Thanks
Residents of East Park Road
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