Allow Indian citizens to have dual citizenship with other countries

  3 (Goal: 500,000)

Petitioning: Allow Indian citizens to have dual citizenship with other countries

Petitioner: Citizen of World started on July 22, 2015

A lot of countries allow their citizens to have dual citizenship, but India does not recognize dual citizenship. The OCI and PIO programs do offer card holders some travel and residency privileges, but not citizenship benefits.

A lot of people with OCI status are tax payers and contribute significantly to the economy of the country in various ways. The Indian government recognizes the fact that OCI-holders are "Indian citizens" even with the qualifying "overseas" tagged on, the next step to grant full citizenship must be taken.

Nearly half of the countries globally allow dual citizenship, with some restrictions, for example Spain only allows dual citizenship with other Latin countries. There can be rules and conditions, but let there be a dual citizenship!

Sign up so we can let the Government of India know that now is the time to change the constitution to allow her citizens to hold other nationalities along with being a citizen of India.