Say NO to Agarbatti(incense stick) to Save our HEALTH

  5 (Goal: 50)

Petitioning: To ban agarbatti in India

Petitioner: Pavan Kumar started on April 12, 2017

Burning incense sticks at home could be as harmful to the lungs as cigarette smoke

7 reasons why you should say NO to Agarbattos
It leads to respiratory infection
It increases your risk of COPD and asthma
It causes skin allergies
It triggers neurological symptoms
It heightens risk of respiratory cancer
It increases the toxic load on the body
It impairs cardiovascular health

Smoke from any source has an effect on the lungs, and it has a particularly bad effect on developing lungs. The main cause of lung disease is cigarette smoke, but there are other types of smoke. This study shows incense smoke has toxic effects, in a laboratory setting.
– Dr Nick Hopkinson, Medical Adviser, British Lung Foundation