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Petitioning: When my Preamble gives me right to Equality, why should i bear with reservation?

Petitioner: Hardik Gupta started on August 25, 2015

When my Preamble gives me right to Equality, why should i bear with reservation?

this article is a slap on the face of people supporting reseration system, the root cause of some of the problems due to which india is still a "developing country"
Imagine that
You gave preference to Mr. A for job over Mr. B, Mr. B earns 10K while Mr. B earns 50K..even though former got 40% and later 80%, now Mr. A's son 'a' rides a moped sits in AC ,goes to coachings, while Mr. B's son 'b' gets none of these.
they give JEE 'a' scores 78/360
'b' scores 104/360
guess what 'a' is selected.
Now 'a' becomes engineer and 'b' due to unemployment becomes thief, 'a' is given a task to design system to catch thieves and now what since 'b' is much abler than 'a' ,'a' ultimately fails.