Rescue and rehabilitation of all the animals from Crawford Market

  10 (Goal: 200)

Petitioning: The Bombay High Court

Petitioner: Bhavana Mehta started on April 12, 2017

It is my humble request to the authorities of The Bombay High Court to please rescue and rehabilitate all the animals from Crawford Market with the immediate effect.

For the sake of some money these shopkeepers do not even bother to take good care of the animals who helps them earning for their livelihood.

I never had an idea about this cruelty before we bought a female labrador from Crawford market and she died within a week. Though taking good care of her we could not save her.

Her death has put a big impact on my heart and made me write this petition to request you to rescue the animals and punish the shop keepers so that this inhuman behavior is stopped at once.

Also stop people from buying the pets from such shops by creating awareness.