Non refund of money

  1 (Goal: 1,000)

Petitioning: Railway (IRCTC)

Petitioner: Mary Joseph started on November 16, 2010

As this is known that if the train is late for more then 3 hours then the passenger gets full refund.

Sr.No. Transaction Id. PNR Number. TDR Entry Date
1) 0223212072 8144284338 25-Jun-2010
2) 0216946898 8465593806 25-Jun-2010
3) 0216958634 6142606261 28-Jun-2010

Reason For TDR: Train Late More Than Three Hours And Passenger Not Travelled.

As this is known that if the train is late for more then 3 hours then the passenger gets full refund.
Mob. No. 9892825334