Petitioning: Central Government of India and Supreme court
Petitioner: PAJ started on September 10, 2017
More than 3 lakh Rohingya Muslims have been made refugees by their own nation, Myanmar, in the name of ethnic cleansing. Most of the brotherhood nations have closed their gates for the refugees to enter. The refugees are roaming without a state to live. India being one of the brotherhood nations, instead of helping the refugees in need of the hour, it's more keen on its policies and political strategies. There are more than 40,000 Rohingya refugees in India at the moment and the government is awaiting the court's instruction regarding the refugees, as according to Indian foreign national policy any illegal entry to India is a punishable crime and thus the Rohingyas would be deported back. This would again let them wander in the oceans. India is a nation known for its generosity and it's time to prove it again. The Rohingyas are in some way brothers and sisters to us. They have been one among us earlier. We need to stand united and show our support for the court and government to consider them in humanitarian basis beyond policies and political strategies. This is a time where the whole world is facing a crisis in various forms and we need to be an example as a nation, which we have always been. We have been known for our generosity for ages. The supreme court is about to decide on this by September 11 after considering the Central government's opinion on the same. We have very less time and let's stand united and support our brothers and sisters. Let the government and the courts know our support. While people are losing hope on humanity let's give some hope to the world and be an example as a nation.
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