Educate farmers during election times

  1 (Goal: 1,000)

Petitioning: Society

Petitioner: Petition Voice started on March 27, 2009

Farmer organizations, so far, are either politicized or divided on caste lines when it came to vote. Farmers may be a small percentage of total population but they constitute a large chunk of the voting population. Hence, educating farmers and making them aware of the real issues they should be considering before voting is critical to having a good government.

They need to be told to forget mandir, masjid and mandal and talk about policies regarding land acquisition , minimum support price (MSP), power, infrastructure, crop insurance, easy credit, irrigation facility, transportation etc. Political parties raise 'sentimental' issues to sideline 'real' ones during elections. Also they need to be educated as to why such freebies like, waiver of loans, free electricity, free food grains, free TVs, etc. work in short term only and in the long term are bad for the economy and government alike.

Governments will never come forward in educating farmers because they themselves manipulate farmers. Hence, the educated people should come forward in raising awareness about voting. Such a drive can be associated with the currently ongoing 'Teach for India' drive of Times group. Please support the idea by signing the petition.