Fee waiver based on Socio-Economic condition Only irrespective of Caste

  0 (Goal: 10,000)

Petitioning: HRD ministry,Narendra Modi

Petitioner: Indian started on April 7, 2016

Is it proven that All SC/ST & Dalit candidates are Poor Financially ? OR Is it proven that All General candidates are Rich Financially ?

Waiver of Fees is a good move; something that the brilliant and needy aspirants/students really deserve but in that case Reservation for them should also be done away with. Else it would amount to claiming Double Benefit.The rich and educated in reserved category don't deserve reservations

It should be based of Socio-Economic condition and Merit Criteria ONLY. Son/Daughter of a POOR NON-SC/ST/Dalits or Higher Cast should get the total Fee Waiver if he/she qualifies Merit-wise.

Secondly many people pay bribes and make SC/ST certificates. These people are generally well-off people. Now when we see such people getting the advantage it hurts!
Reservation to only those who are deserve (in terms of financial aspects or sociological aspects). Reservation given just on the basis that his fore-fore grandfather was poor is plain WRONG!
We have seen son of IAS officer being given the advantages just because his grand father was SC/ST. This is the point where it boils up!

How many of the Actual Poor "Below Poverty Line" SC/STs/Dalit are taking advantage of the Reservation System in India ? Did anybody tried to Track it ? Those SC/ST/Dalits actually in need of this, are even unaware of something called IIT !!

This is Most Shameless Vote Bank Politics making partition of India once again, one for Quota Castes and other for General Caste.

Let us Help the backward groups by all means, but never at the cost of efficiency. How are we going to build our public sector or indeed any sector with second rate people?

Starting this petition for Removal of Caste Based Reservation system and Total Fee waiver for the SC/STs/Dalits and Start Fee waiver based on Actual Merit and Gross Family Income+Mandatory basic education for all Below Poverty Line citizens.