Mister Sammy cheat fraud and thief

  0 (Goal: 50)

Petitioning: Startech

Petitioner: Zeeshan started on April 5, 2018

Mister Sammy cheat fraud and thief

This person name mister sammy (facebook name) 9804904946 claim himself as a photograoher and video editor which he is not he took few dates with me on nov 2017
His report timing was 8am but this guy reaches at 12 pm when the function got over and before going for a shoot he took
1 manfrotto monopod
1 50mm 1.4
1 64 GB memory card

Which he didn't send back to me since from 3 4 month iam tracing him but he blocked me from everywhere then after that i took a step for broadcasting this in whatsapp to app my whatsapp contact after this he called me and use filthy language which i also replied him back
And after that he started posting all fake new about me in social media humilating me
He hampered my reputation my bussiness olease look after this situation once

Thank and regards

Zeeshan Ali