fight against Belgaum city corporate Nonsensitive on the event of Nov-1st

  0 (Goal: 200)

Petitioning: Belgaum city corporate and vice corporate are against human rights

Petitioner: Drashok Hosamani started on November 19, 2011

fight against Belgaum city corporate Nonsensitive on the event of Nov-1st

The city corporate and vice corporate are attacks upon peace of society and tried to develop divide and rules between the humanity of the society of Belgaum city and with negligence of their duty towards the state act and supporting to Marathi people's to insult to the Kannada flag according to public speech on the Nov-1st recorded by Rajsree video and other news Chanel so both are under guilty of the nation (state act) according to the Indian penal code 152 & 152A they should punished with non belable and suspend them from corporate.