  3 (Goal: 200)

Petitioning: Honourable Patna High Court

Petitioner: Rajkumar started on April 29, 2017

I have a story of disclosure about Patna High Court assistant recruitment examination of employment notice no.01 /2010. All pray for justice to Patna High Court but what is more intresting is that they are not paying attention to their own irregularities in examination to recruit assistants. Question - paper's question-number is not tallying with answersheet's answer-number. I have to say that question - paper is divided into four parts, each part has 01 to 25 question - no. printed while in OMR answersheet it is printed from 01 to 100, not divided into parts. First part is of english, second hindi, third GK and fourth mathematics . Correct answer carried +1 and incorrect - 1. More and more ridiculous things are happening right from the day of exam. I noticed the irregularities of question - paper in examination - hall. When I demanded question - paper, answersheet and model - answersheet with the help of RTI, they pretended that model - answersheet was not prepared and supplied the rest. Now all evidence will be made available for syndication because they are unable to justify things. I am just demanding an unbiased investigation to be conducted and completed within due timeline. One CWJC case is filed before Honourable Patna High Court, but all in vain. Why should they bother about all this!