Safe Vizag

  13 (Goal: 50)

Petitioning: Request changes from authorities to help control crime

Petitioner: Vizag Guy started on October 26, 2017

Vizag is our city. We are proud of our safe, clean and caring city, this is our city’s character. We are proud to call it our city of destiny.
We are sad about the rape that happened in broad daylight on our city’s main road.
This is NOT normal. There are other cases from our city that deserve our attention too.

We request simple changes so that this never happens.
- Encourage people to report crimes
- Police to support and protect people who report crimes
- Expose people who neglect crimes

Most importantly
- Bring in laws that protect good samaritans
- Publicize these changes to public

Vizag is one of the safest cities, it is a shining example in a new state. We cannot and must not let a culture of apathy grow here.

Sign the pledge to:
- Do your part in maintaining safety
- Not to ignore crimes

#SafeVizag #SeeSomethingSaySomething #PoliceProtectUs